7 September 2023

Moody's updated the rating of Xalq Bank

Moody's updated the rating of Xalq Bank

Moody's Investors Service international rating agency analyzed the results of the activities of OJSC Xalq Bank for 2022 and approved the ratings of the Bank. The agency maintained the rating of Xalq Bank on long-term liabilities in local and foreign currency at B1 level and assessed the forecast for that rating as "Stable". The base level of the bank's credit solvency (Baseline Credit Assessments) has been confirmed at B2 level.

Xalq Bank has been cooperating with the international rating agency Moody's Investors Service since 2011.

Information about Xalq Bank's products and services can be obtained from the Bank's branch network, the official website https://xalqbank.az/, 138 Information Center, and on social network pages.