Сredit card allows you to cash out funds within the credit limit, make payments at shopping centers and online platforms. Xalq Bank offers credit card holders excellent opportunity to save money. You can restore the funds you have spent to the card within 35 days without paying any interest.


up to 24 months Term

Maximal amount

50 000 AZN Maximal amount

İnterest rate per annum

12-18% İnterest rate per annum

If cardholder repays the used amount of loan before 5-th day of the following calendar month, interest on loan will not be charged. Thus, term of the interest-free loan might reach 35 days.

XalqOnline mobile application

Functional and convenient XalqOnline system allows you to make bank transactions and control the card balance.

Favorite offers


Pay cashless everywhere, get free PETROL!

Commercial Mortgage
Commercial Mortgage

Obtain office and trade industrial real estate

Google Pay is available for Xalq Bank cards!
Google Pay is available for Xalq Bank cards!

A fast, simple way for contactless payments